What is the Parents Club?
First and foremost, our purpose is to promote gymnastics at all levels from local to international. Our goal is to provide the opportunity for our gymnasts to ultimately compete at the highest level they can obtain.
The Lakewood Ranch Gymnastics Parents Club is a non-profit organization. As a non-profit organization, we must follow certain rules and legalities regarding our activities and the money we raise and spend. We are classified by the IRS as a 501(c)3 organization, which dictates many of our practices as they relate to fundraising, and spending money that is raised by the booster club. In our case, the 501(c)3 status provides exemption from federal income tax for organizations operated exclusively to foster national and/or international amateur sports competition, as long as no part of the net earnings inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. With this status we can accept charitable donations, fundraise, and host gymnastics competitions – the proceeds of all these going towards the betterment of our team in the sport of gymnastics.
Is the Parents Club part of Lakewood Ranch Gymnastics?
No. We are a totally separate entity from the gym. The monthly fee you pay the gym for training is not part of the team’s business. That contract is between you and the gym. The Competitive teams (Compulsory and Optional), on the other hand, must organize, manage, and finance its own activities.
What is the cost of having a child on team?
When you have a child who competes on team at Lakewood Ranch Gymnastics, there are certain costs involved. You are responsible for your monthly tuition to the gym. In addition, you are responsible for competition attire, grips (if necessary), entry fees to meets, and coaches’ fees for meets. Competition costs are discussed further below.
What are the Competition seasons?
The girls compulsory team (Levels 2-4) season runs annually from September-December.
The girls optional team (Xcel and Levels 6-10) season runs annually from January-April.
How is team money kept track of?
There is one checking account for the Parents Club and another for the Scrip Program. Assessment Fees and fundraising money are all deposited into the Parents Club checking account. . Fund raised money can only be spent on team competitions and related expenses required of all gymnastics team members.
The General Fund is money that is to be spent for the benefit of all gymnasts. We use the general fund to also pay for administrative expenses, like bank fees, copying costs, etc. Thus, EVERYONE’S participation is very important for fu
Payment Schedule
Our fundraising year is September 1st through August 31st.
Xcel and Optional Assessments are also due in two payments; one September 1 and one November 1.
If an assessment is over 30 days late – late fees are applied to the individual : $25 administrative fee to parents club, $25 administrative fee to gym, plus up to $150 meet late fee ($100 for gym and $50 for gymnast), for a total of $200 in late fees.
What are the competition costs?
The following are costs that parents must pay for their gymnasts to compete. The Entry Fees and the Coaches Fees are included within the Compulsory assessment of Optional assessment, as applicable, that is required to be paid for each gymnast.
1. Entry Fees
Every meet that your child is entered in requires an entry fee per gymnast. The typical entry fees are between $75 and $120 per gymnast per meet. Entry fees are usually required to be paid at least 2 months in advance of the meet. Some of the larger meets require entry fees to be paid up to 4 months in advance. If, for any reason, a gymnast is scratched from competing in a meet where entry fees have already been paid, those fees will only be refunded if the host gym refunds that fee. If no refund is granted, then the gymnast incurs that cost.
Most meets also require an entry fee per team. (A “team” is a group of at least 3 gymnasts, identified by the coaches, who are competing at the same level for a team award). Team entry fees typically range between $50 and $75 per meet; these fees are paid from the general fund.
2. Coaches’ Fees
The Parents Club is also responsible for our coaches’ expenses when they take our children to a meet. This includes: travel, hotel, mileage and food. We also pay a “coaches fee” of $75 to $100 per session (depending on who the coach is). Meets are broken down into “sessions” – a session is usually a specific level of gymnasts, and sometimes for larger meets – they break it down by age groups within these levels. For example, if your daughter is a level 3 gymnast and is 8 years old, she may compete in a separate session than a child on her team who is 7 years old. Most meets will run an entire weekend, and may have as many as 3 or 4 sessions per day. Depending on the size of the meet, our coaches usually must attend at least 3 sessions per meet.
Every gymnast will be assessed coaches’ fees depending on the level they are competing. Once the coaches fee for the season has been calculated and divided amongst the gymnasts for inclusion in the assessment, this portion of the assessment will not be refunded for any reason, including a gymnast injury, a gymnast leaving the program or a gymnast not completing a full season.
3. Clothing and other Competition Items
Leotards -Gymnasts are responsible for purchasing their own competition and warm-up leotards. These are ordered through Lakewood Ranch Gymnastics, Laura will schedule time for when gymnasts can order their leotards. If your child outgrows a leo or leaves the team, feel free to try and sell it to other team members. Laura typically changes Leotards every 2 years.
Warm-Ups – Gymnasts purchase and own their own warm-up suits (pants and jackets). These are ordered via Lakewood Ranch Gymnastics. If your child outgrows a warm-up or leaves the team, feel free to try to sell it to other team members.
Grips and other competition items – grips and all other competition items required by the coaches will also be additional expenses for the gymnasts. These items will often be ordered through the team or the gym, but require full payment from individual team members. In addition to grips, this includes: floor music (for levels 7 and above), grip bags, duffel bags, specific hair products (bun nets, glitter spray, etc.), and any other items the coaches may request that the gymnasts have.
4. Travel
Hotel arrangements are your responsibility. Lakewood Ranch Gymnastics will provide details of the “host” hotel for each meet through communication on the Lakewood Ranch Parents Facebook Page.
Keeping your information up-to date
Use this document to ensure we have your current details on file.
Gymnast Information Form